You have an opportunity to reach people, to teach people and you’re using it to promote fear? Hashem gives us over a million things in every moment to be thankful for… to promote, to praise, to glorify! Why would this be the email and headline to read after ending Shabbat? Why would this be the best choice to start the week with?

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Thank you, Katherine, for your concerned comment.

In a way, that's exactly my point: to promote fear - not to remain afraid and stressed, but to face our tenuous reality and therefore look outwards and upwards for help. That's the lesson of David's battle with Goliath, as I already mentioned in the headline to make it clear that I'm presenting our problem in order to offer a solution.

In less then a month, Jews all over the world will gather at the seder, raise up a cup of wine, and sing another version of this post: "In every generation they stand up to annihilate us, and God saves us from their hands." If we know that we need God, God will help us.

I've been sharing this message since the beginning of our current crisis. You might find my earlier articles on the subject helpful. (Some of them I incorporated into my new book, Land of Health: Israel's War for Wellness.) Here's a great place to start: https://thehealthyjew.substack.com/p/dont-be-afraid-of-fear-itself

Thank you again for writing, and may we hear good news of salvation and consolation in these painful, scary times.

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He’s not promoting fear, he is promoting being comfortable with facing your fears. Everyone has fears , but if we do not embrace and explore them , they have control over us and they can be extremely powerful over us. I think the lesson is so important and not spoken about enough. I appreciate it and I look at it as Chizzuk instead of deterrence

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So, so true and uniquely, freshly expressed.

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Thank you!

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Love this!

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Thank you!

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